Duke Gyrth OldCastle Smackdown


Announcing the Annual Duke Gyrth Oldcastle Memorial Poetry Smackdown!

It is time for another smacking! Poets, prepare to present your poems to Their Majesties, KASF patrons, and to your worthy opponents.

Time: TBD.

The Smackdown serves as an opportunity for poets of all experience levels to come and display their wordsmithing prowess in front of others in the spirit of good fun.  This is not a competition, though each entrant shall be given a token to commemorate their participation. Entrants may keep any bragging rights or excellent puns found during the Smackdown. 

Inspiration: Pick a person who inspires you and make a piece in tribute. This honor can be done to salute or to smack, whichever is more jovial to the relationship.

The King and the Commoner: This was a popular poetic theme in the Middle Ages creating stories such as Robin Hood. Many plots are possible for this entry. You could write a piece about what makes a King a King (or a Queen a Queen). Or you could tell the story of the commoner. Another way is to compare the King to the commoner. This can be done by showing differences or similarities. After the Smackdown, you can turn these pieces into Baron Paganus for the Gulf Wars Royal Poetry Challenge.

Day of piece: At the event, poets will be given a prompt to complete,  See Baron Paganus for details.

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