Regarding alcohol on site: In regards to alcohol beyond the KASF display and Royal Brewer competition, the site is considered BONE DRY.
This site’s rules allow us to share alcohol only for tasting as part of the KASF display and the Royal Brewers competition. The KASF event staff will supply small tasting cups to all displaying and competing brewers for this purpose. Personal drinking vessels are NOT allowed for drinking alcoholic beverages. Please behave on your honor to adhere to these rules. Event staff will remove from site any person violating these rules. Please contact the event steward, Magister Gaelan mac Cuinneagain, via lordgaelan AT gmail DOT com,or the Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences via moas AT for any questions or concerns about this rule.
Current Royal Brewster: Lady Eva Nethyrwode, royalbrewer AT
Details regarding the 2025 Royal Notable – Royal Brewer competition:
A Lickable Royal Brewing Challenge
In herbalism, an electuary is a honey-based medicine. The word comes from the Greek word meaning “to lick up.” So in honor of Anno Societatis LIX, we are having a lickable brewing competition!
Bring me your meads, your cysers, your honey-sweetened cordials! Bring me your braggots, your pyments, your metheglins! Bring me oxymels and bring me melomels! Bring me your honey-drenched drinks, sweet and dry!
The only rule is that honey must be part of the mix. You decide how big or how small a role it may play, but extra consideration will be given to entries that highlight the flavor of the honey in some way. Non-alcoholic beverages are welcome as well as alcoholic.”
Form for ALL Royal Notables Competitions sign up: