Bakers of Atlantia: display your talents at KASF to complete for the Notable title of Royal Baker!
To enter the competition, please notify the current Royal Baker,
Baroness Ingegerd Kastanrazi
(Ingegerd.kastanrazi at GmAiL dot com or on Facebook Messenger)
by Feb. 20 of your intent to participate.
Come compete to be named Atlantia’s next “Royal Baker”. Show up and setup between 9-10, plan to have items that require no refrigeration and are safe at room temp for the day. Bring documentation and please read entire missive below.
This year I’m asking you to reach out to me via email or through FB messenger no later than February 20th if you wish to compete so I can ensure to have enough prizes.
ALL participants who enter will receive prizes. The Grand Prize winner will receive some legacy prizes along with a gift basket of several goodies. Spices!, Wood Burned Spoons!, Functional Baker related tools!, and Aprons are some of the items to expect!
Open to all skill levels! This will be a blind judged competition! Please ensure your identity, title, name, and any potential revealing clues of identification is easily hidden within your documentation and entry!
There will be ONE grand prize winner to hold the Kingdom Notable Title of “Atlantia’s Royal Baker!”
The Royal Baker wins bragging rights, the honor to run the competition the following year, along with a gift basket full of legacy and personal prizes!
I will assign aliases/codes to delineate each entry. So the only judge who would know is myself, the current Royal Baker. Please respect the intent of this effort, and allow entrants to have an even playing field.
Judges, will be previous title holders of the Kingdom Notable title of “Royal Baker” as well as their current Majesties and Highnesses.
So what I am expected to bake and bring?
On a personal note. One of the most passionate bakers to ever inspire me is my father. His love for cultivating and maintaining a starter and perfecting his craft of evoking fluffy bread was a near obsession of his. He also unfortunately developed celiac disease, and he still grieves this loss.
So, here’s this year’s challenge!
Find an authentic pre-17th recipe source (can be savory or sweet). Prepare TWO versions.
The first as close as you can proximate to what was prepared in the past.
The second a gluten free interpretation and version. (Note* glutinous rice and other wheat free items are not “gluten”, double check with me if you need guidance or have questions.)
You will need to be able to offer samples for judges, fellow entrants, and visiting populace.
A displayable list of ALL ingredients in each recipe. So those sampling with allergies etc. can be advised.
Your process from decisions, to planning, trials, errors, bake temps, equipment, etc.
A presentation piece to show off your chops.
For example, a large braided loaf of Challah, for presentation, and then several small tiny sample slices from a second loaf or mini braid rolls of same dough.
What if my recipe is already gluten free? Then my request is you make a second version that is plant based, no animal byproduct: no meat/dairy/eggs/honey, etc.
But I want to eat deep fried pork belly dusted in flour!!!
Cool! I can enjoy that sometimes too, but I also like to be a versatile host who considers not everyone can or wants to eat the same thing. Whether it’s choice, cultural, medical, or even just preference. Let’s welcome more people to the table where they know we cared that they could eat too.
Anyone can make bacon bread drenched in savory toasted cheese taste good. Show me you know how to adapt as a baker, and can have tasty hospitality.
Feel free to message me via FB or email me at Ingegerd.kastanrazi DOT Gmail DOT com with any questions.
Happy Baking!,
Baroness Ingegerd Kastanrazi
Royal Baker
So – ready, set, BAKE!
Form for ALL Royal Notables Competitions sign up: