Hall Space/Competitions

If you are planning to display, enter a competition, or merchant, please be sure to let us know using the appropriate form below:

Form for Open Display (NO Competition) sign up:  https://forms.gle/TVH9iu1Y63H8Sm3p6 

Form for Persona Pentathlon Competition sign up:  https://forms.gle/sRaAkT16gvz62bsc9 

Form for Youth Triathlon Competition sign up: https://forms.gle/gdxZQXTtveSbmBHFA 

Form for ALL Royal Notables Competitions sign up: https://forms.gle/3iqepQtY3tWyfTGw7

For Inter-baronial Champions, please see the link directly to that competition’s page: https://kasf.atlantia.sca.org/interbaronial/ 

We cannot guarantee you a space without you registering. Thank you for your attention to this detail!!

Competition Information Pages:

Inter-baronial Champions

Duke Gyrth Oldcastle Memorial Smackdown

The Persona Pentathlon and Youth Triathlon

Royal Brewer

Royal Baker

Poeta Atlantia

New Notables: Royal Artisan and Royal Scientist 

NEW: Guidance document for all Royal Notables: CLICK HERE


The Kingdom Arts & Sciences Festival brings together our creators like no other event in Atlantia. Have a favorite topic? You are highly likely to find “your people” as your peruse the displays and observe the competitions. Any topic within SCA scope of the study of pre-1600 history worldwide is welcome.

Form for Open Display (NO Competition) sign up:  https://forms.gle/TVH9iu1Y63H8Sm3p6 

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