Site Maps

Four maps are presented below for supporting the many levels of detail and different perspectives participants may want to use to get around the event site.

Please put on your SCAdian Teamwork hats and use these maps knowing that the event staff pulled together as best we could to present event participants guidance regarding where everything is.

We are using 3 main buildings: Dining Hall, Gym, and the Middle School Classroom Building.

Parking is located to the north of the school campus in a parking lot owned by “The Prometheus Group.”

Traffic flow upon entry should include participants parking in the Prometheus Group parking lot, bringing your stuff in through the Pedestrian Gate, and checking in at Gate (Troll) in the first floor of the Classroom Building. If you need to use the unloading space next to Royal Parking in front of the Courtyard, enter in the north gate off Six Forks Road, park temporarily in an area marked “UNLOADING” and please move quickly.


  1. Google Earth’s bird’s eye view of the event site including surrounding streets, parking, and traffic flow directions. Please note the parking lot and Pedestrian Gate. Please park in the large parking lot and bring your stuff in through the pedestrian gate. Handicap Access Parking is the limited parking area next to the courtyard.

2. Campus Map of St. Timothy’s School Campus. Please make note of the yellow arrows marking car traffic flow. Note the red arrows marking handicap routes around and into buildings.

3. Detailed Room Map showing Dining Hall, Gym, and Classroom Building (1st and 2nd floors).

4. Not To Scale Conceptual Map showing lists of activities in each of the 3 buildings.

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